Krishna Quotes Images
It’s not okay to be too straightforward.
Because first in the forest.
Straight trees are cut.
Good luck people curse God when they are a little bad.
And people of bad luck even when a little good.
Remember and give thanks to god.
Don’t have to do bad deeds.
And good deeds don’t have to be done.
Krishna himself in this battle of life.
And one has to become Arjun himself.
Every day is my own charioteer.
The Mahabharata of life has to be fought.
Is it always right to be silent?
No history is witnessed.
That’s why more calamities came into the world.
Because in time man could not resist him.
When a man becomes proud of his religion.
Then iniquity begins to happen in his hands.
It is a fact that a person learns something by making a mistake.
But that doesn’t mean.
He keeps forgetting all his life.
And saying that we are learning.
Try to understand the one you love.
The whole world is there to be tested.
The work of duty finds the person in the same way.
Like a calf, it finds its mother among hundreds of cows.
No man is bad at heart.
Only one’s mind is one’s friend and enemy.